Lavadora de arroz tqlm100
Complete set of rice mill from 20 tons to 200 tons per day.We located in the Xiaogan city ,Hubei province,China.
Product Application
TQLM 100 Equipment with screen surface of certain specification, TQLM rotary cleaning sieve clears out large, tiny and light impurties in grain during plane rotary movement. According to separating the demand for different supplies, this cleaning machine can be adjusted rotational speed and lay perticular stress on resultant, to change its amplitude, thus it reach the best result.

Palabra clave:
Rice husker
Paddy separator
Rice grader
Rice polisher
Productos relacionados
Búsqueda de productos
Removedor de arroz, máquina de cáscara de arroz, separador de arroz, molino de arroz, clasificador, limpiador de arroz, pulidor de arroz
Dirección: intersección de Longgang y Xinyi Road, zona de desarrollo económico, Condado de Yunmeng, ciudad de Xiaogan, Provincia de Hubei
Coreo Electric Company